The Publication For The Grocery Trade
Top Golfers enjoy Llanllyr SOURCE

Llanllyr SOURCE water accompanied some of the world's best golfers around Wentworth recently as they battled for the HSBC World Matchplay Championship, eventually won for the 7th time by Ernie Els. Official water sponsorship of the event followed Llanllyr's water sponsorship of the Dunhill Links Championship which culminated at St Andrews the previous week and the Ricoh Women's British Open over the same course earlier in the year.

Speaking after the Matchplay Championship Sales and Marketing Director Patrick Gee said: "the three events we have been involved with this year have been shown on television across the world, and enabled our distributors in several countries to make a connection there with our activities here."
Sales of the well known brand have advanced substantially over the last few years. According to Patrick Gee, "one of the reasons for this has been the slightly higher profile we have taken and it's been great to be able to bring people together at one of these events at the same time."
Contact Information
For further information please contact:

Llanllyr Water Company
Tel: 01570 470788