The Publication For The Grocery Trade
CJ Wildlife creates homes this nesting season...

Species of birds such as the house sparrow were once seen in every garden in every town, but in recent years this familiar sight has been gradually disappearing. A shortage of natural nest sites is thought to be one of the major factors behind their decline. Shrinking woodland area, modern farming practices and suburban garden makeovers have led to a significant reduction in suitable housing for, among others, sparrows, blackbirds, blue tits, great tits, robins and wrens.

One way in which we can help is to put up nesting boxes in gardens and give our native birds a home to bring up their young... and in return we can enjoy the antics of wild birds feeding their families and fledglings taking their first flights.

The CJ Wildlife range of nest boxes are an unusual and thoughtful gift idea, and have a number of key features to give added value -
¥ All our boxes have been designed by ornithologists and meet the requirements of the birds in terms of optimum dimensions.
¥ They simulate the types of cavities birds prefer, providing refuge to many different species. The boxes are easy to put up and clean and can be used in most habitats.
¥ Our wooden boxes meet the important FSC* standard for sustain ability. Sales of these products help CJ Wildlife support the RSPCA and RHS - two of the UK's largest charities

Our best selling lines include:
The Nest Gift Box Pack - which contains a nest box that attracts nuthatches, house sparrows and great tits; plus a full colour ID poster to help identify and care for garden visitors.

The Robin & Wren Nest box - this box has a unique backless design, specifically for Britain's favourite birds, the robin and wren.

* The FSC logo identifies products which contain wood from well managed forests independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council.
Contact Information
For further information please contact:

CJ WildBird Foods Ltd
Tel: 0870 011 9801