The Publication For The Grocery Trade
Plight of the Hoglets...

We've all had a hedgehog in our garden at some point - these inoffensive, good natured garden mammals are usually nocturnal so if you've spotted one recently during the day then they are probably desperately foraging for food.

Hedgehogs face a daily battle for survival with over half dying before their first birthday. They hibernate usually from November to mid March - however, they still maintain a certain degree of bodily activities during this time and will even move hibernating site through the winter - so need a certain amount of energy to last them through to mid March.

Juvenile hedgehogs, also known as hoglets, are facing their toughest challenge at the moment. The enchanting little hoglets are old enough to be away from the safety and comfort of their mothers but not big enough to hibernate. So why are they struggling? The warm weather during the autumn has led to more litters being produced and this, followed by the cold snap, has meant that the hoglets haven't found enough of their natural food supply to build up their energy reserves.

How can you help? We've put together a brief checklist for you to help the hoglets...

Give a hedgehog a home
¥ Hedgehogs like to nest under hedges, brushwood or sheds but if these are in short supply you could try a ready made hedgehog house ~ we like the CJ WildBird Foods' hedgehog house which has an entrance tunnel to offer protection from any predators that may be lurking. To make it habitable, simply part fill the nest chamber with dried leaves. Ensure that the box is placed in a secluded corner of your garden and try to cover it with soil or leaves.
Feeding the hedgehogs and hoglets
¥ Contrary to popular belief, hedgehogs should not eat bread and milk - they can't digest it. The best food for them is meat based pet food or a specialist hedgehog food ~ CJs provide this in an easy peel 220g pack, endorsed by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. If you really want to spoil your visitors, there's a hedgehog feeding bowl available too!

Make your garden hedgehog-friendly
¥ Provide fresh drinking water daily
¥ Check garden rubbish before burning and compost heaps
¥ Avoid using slug pellets or other garden chemicals
¥ Keep any netting at least a foot off the ground to prevent entanglement
¥ Keep your shed and greenhouse doors closed and poisons out of harm's way
¥ Cover drains to prevent hedgehogs from falling in
¥ Provide some sort of ramp or part submerged rocks to help hedgehogs out of steep sided ponds, swimming pools or cattle grids

Finally, if you do find a struggling hoglet or injured hedgehog in your garden, please call the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or the British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801. Or take it to your nearest wildlife centre. Put the animal into a large box with plenty of clean, fresh hay, newspapers or dry leaves until the hedgehog can be picked up and keep human contact to a minimum.
Contact Information
For further information please contact:

CJ WildBird Foods Ltd
Tel: 0870 011 9801